vendredi 29 mars 2019

How to add checkboxes with Javascript dynamically

Trying to insert dynamic checkboxes and collection elements from Materializecss site to my html using document.createElement() (as many checkboxes as my names in a loop - each name should have own checkbox).

My questions:

1) It works with collections but checkboxes do not appear in my sidebar.

2) Do I need a different ID and For attributes for each checkbox?

3) I want to use values gotten from checkboxes and correspondent names. For that I have to place names in a <span> tag of checkboxes here:

    <input type="checkbox" class="filled-in" checked="checked" />
    <span>Filled in</span>

But I want to keep names in this Collection tags rather than in checkboxes tags because a) it looks great b) I want to have links on names in a way I have now.

 <div class="collection">
    <a href="#!" class="collection-item">Alvin</a>

The question is will I be able to read corresponding values from 2 different elements?

            //collection element from Materializecss site
             var collection = document.getElementById("coll")
             //form element from Materializecss site
             var form = document.getElementById("form")
             for (var i = 0; i < names.length; i++) {
                 //getting each name
                 var name = names[i]                     
                 //creates a label tag for each checkbox
                 var newLabelTag = document.createElement("LABEL") 
                 newLabelTag.setAttribute("for", "item"); 
                 //add item to the mother collection element
                 //creates a span tag for each checkbox
                 var newSpanTag = document.createElement("SPAN")                  
                 // Add names to it
                 var Text = document.createTextNode(name);
                 //new line
                 var br = document.createElement("BR");
                 //append the text with names to the tag
                 //add item to the mother collection element
                 //creating a new <input> tag
                 var newInputTag = document.createElement("INPUT") 
                 //set a class to a new tag
                 newInputTag.setAttribute("class", "filled-in");
                 newInputTag.setAttribute("id", "item");
                 newInputTag.setAttribute("type", "checkbox");                 
                 //add item to the mother collection element
                 //creating a new <a> tag (Collection items)
                 var newATag = document.createElement("A") 
                 //set a class to a new tag
                 newATag.setAttribute("class", "collection-item");
                 // add the URL attribute
                 newATag.setAttribute("href", "https//blah");
                 // Add names to it
                 var newText = document.createTextNode(name);
                 //append the text with names to the tag
                 //add item to the mother collection element


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