Trying to insert dynamic checkboxes and collection elements from Materializecss site to my html using document.createElement() (as many checkboxes as my names in a loop - each name should have own checkbox).
My questions:
1) It works with collections but checkboxes do not appear in my sidebar.
2) Do I need a different ID and For attributes for each checkbox?
3) I want to use values gotten from checkboxes and correspondent names. For that I have to place names in a <span>
tag of checkboxes here:
<input type="checkbox" class="filled-in" checked="checked" />
<span>Filled in</span>
But I want to keep names in this Collection tags rather than in checkboxes tags because a) it looks great b) I want to have links on names in a way I have now.
<div class="collection">
<a href="#!" class="collection-item">Alvin</a>
The question is will I be able to read corresponding values from 2 different elements?
//collection element from Materializecss site
var collection = document.getElementById("coll")
//form element from Materializecss site
var form = document.getElementById("form")
for (var i = 0; i < names.length; i++) {
//getting each name
var name = names[i]
//creates a label tag for each checkbox
var newLabelTag = document.createElement("LABEL")
newLabelTag.setAttribute("for", "item");
//add item to the mother collection element
//creates a span tag for each checkbox
var newSpanTag = document.createElement("SPAN")
// Add names to it
var Text = document.createTextNode(name);
//new line
var br = document.createElement("BR");
//append the text with names to the tag
//add item to the mother collection element
//creating a new <input> tag
var newInputTag = document.createElement("INPUT")
//set a class to a new tag
newInputTag.setAttribute("class", "filled-in");
newInputTag.setAttribute("id", "item");
newInputTag.setAttribute("type", "checkbox");
//add item to the mother collection element
//creating a new <a> tag (Collection items)
var newATag = document.createElement("A")
//set a class to a new tag
newATag.setAttribute("class", "collection-item");
// add the URL attribute
newATag.setAttribute("href", "https//blah");
// Add names to it
var newText = document.createTextNode(name);
//append the text with names to the tag
//add item to the mother collection element
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