lundi 1 avril 2019

Checkbox props change allthough a preventDefault is calles

I'm trying to get a 3-way checkbox to work. For this I want to handle the click.change action myself... ie decide what the next state will be.

But I struggle at the verry begin:

  • I initialize a checkbox

  • Set the indeterminate true

  • Check this runtime => indeterminate=true, checked=false

  • Got an event handler for click with a prevenDefault()

  • The markup stays unchanged as expected => looks as an indeterminate checkbox

  • But when I check the vallues for indeterminate and checked they have toggled none the less

    Googling for a solution I found that there are 2 ways to create an event handler




I tried both. Allso tried change instead of click. Even tried having both click and change, with one of them just having the prevenDefault().

I've got a jsfiddle set up:


<p>3-way checkbox</p>
<input type="checkbox" class="chk" id="chk_1" >
<div id="out"></div>

Javascript (jQuery)

$(".chk").prop("indeterminate", true);
$("#out").append("Checked "       + $('#chk_1').prop('checked') + "<br>");
$("#out").append("Indeterminate " + $('#chk_1').prop('indeterminate') );


  $("#out").append("Checked "       + this.checked + "<br>");
  $("#out").append("Indeterminate " + this.indeterminate );

Most of it is for debugging as you can see.

What I expected was that the properties checked and indeterminate would not change due to the preventDefault(). Letting me decide the next state of the checkbox.

I'm sure I doing something stupid... could someone plz point it out for me?


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