samedi 3 août 2019

JQUERY IF-STATEMENTS Get only the href prop of tag, which is a sub element of :checked checkbox in an

I have an unordered list, each < li > has an input of type < checkbox >. It also has an anchor tag with <a href > property. A:href has been dynamically built based on user input.

I want to traverse the < li > list, find the checked inputs and get the href of only those checked inputs.

      <li><input type="checkbox"><a href="#">Link 1</a></li>
      <li><input type="checkbox"><a href="#">Link 2</a></li>

The logic in pseudo code is:

for all li 
if checkbox is checked
get anchor property href

The problem is when I use the $ ( "a" ) and all its alternatives :checked , input:checkbox, $( "ul li checkbox:checked a" ), $this.children(":checked").each(function(){ ...etc} the DOM will return all the anchors not just the anchors of the :checked inputs. It will not traverse the list within the list. It will exit the range of checked list items every time.

Some of the solutions I tried are as follows:


$( ":checkbox:checked" ).prop( true , function(){
    $( "a" ).css( "background-color","yellow" );


$(":checkbox:checked").each(function (){$(".myID")


    //go to li children
    var $this = $(this);
          $this; // parent li
          $this.css( "background-color","green" ); //works until here
          var $childs = $this.children(":checked"); 
         $childs.children("a").each(function(){ //undefined


$(' input:checkbox').on('change', function () {

function getAllValue() {
    var sThisVal = $(':checkbox:checked').map(function () {
        return this.value;

I am realizing (correct me if its wrong) that $("selector") cannot be used to combine conditions of two parent> child tags ie.. $("a[href] :checkbox:checked") will return all anchors and all input checked boxes. Same goes for if statements. I thought .children() function may get me objects but that don't seem to work like I would expect them to the input type checkbox since it does not have a closing tag (? this is a guess)

I do not want to touch the html schema because it is dynamically built and this is the final stage of the project.

I'd like to thank everyone for being so helpful here. I have been trying to find the answer to my question for 3 days now. So please do not hit me with the "this was answered before" because believe me, I tried all proposed answers and it didn't work because this case is different.

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