mercredi 11 novembre 2020

How to access dynamically created GTK Checkbutton in plain C

I created a program that outputs CSV formatted tags based on checkbuttons.. There's a LOT of them so it only makes sense to create them programmatically.. I was successful in that sense, but I was never able to figure out how to get their checked state since you can't access them like normal checkbuttons. I worked around it, but now getting to the 'polishing' phase of my program, I'd REALLY like to be able to reset the form by unchecking them all, and I can't figure out how to access them.. First, here's how the checkbuttons are created dynamically:

        for (int x = 0; x <= NUMBER_OF_STRING; x++)
            if (tagArray[x] != NULL && strcmp(tagArray[x], "\0"))
                dynamic_checkBox = gtk_check_button_new_with_label(tagArray[x]);
                gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(flowBox), dynamic_checkBox);
                g_signal_connect(dynamic_checkBox, "toggled", G_CALLBACK(check_state), (gpointer)tagArray[x]);

So that works just fine.. I was able to use a little 'hack' creating an extra char array and putting 'true' or 'false' strings in there and using strcmp() to basically write my own checked/unchecked state to an array with the gpointer data, but as with most hacks, if you're not doing it right it comes back to get ya.. Now I can't figure out how to uncheck all the boxes and reset the form..

static void uncheck_button_clicked(GtkWidget* widget, gpointer data)
    gtk_toggle_button_set_active(GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON(dynamic_checkBox), FALSE);

As you can see, I'm calling the global GtkWidget *dynamic_checkBox but that doesn't help me because it doesn't point to the actual instance of that checkbutton I need.. So how do I go about accessing these checkboxes? I even tried dynamically declaring new GtkWidgets with strings so I could access them, but it just lead to incompatible type errors... I've been Googling and banging my head against the wall for 2 days now with no results. Thanks in advance.

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