mardi 2 mars 2021

css - RShiny widgets: How to color the radioButtons() and checkboxGroupInput()?

I'm using many different checkboxGroupInput() and radioButtons() in my RShiny app, one code snippet looks like this:

checkboxGroupInput(inputId = "maDays", label = "Select Trading Days", 
                                      choices = c("Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday",
                                                  "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday"),
                                      selected = c("Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday",
                                      inline = TRUE),
radioButtons(inputId = "maTimeGran", label = "Select Time Granularity", 
                                choices = c("Hourly" = "hour", "Daily" = "day", 
                                            "Weekly" = "week"),
                                selected = "day")

and gives:

enter image description here enter image description here

Now my question is: How can I change the coloring of all my radioButtons and checkboxxes (the selected checkboxes or radiobuttons) with a css-tag? My preferred color would be #007d3c.

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