I have a list of data in my table fiche. Each row has a button validate. Now I want to have a column in each row for checking the row to validate and in bottom of table have a button for validating the checking row.
My code:
while ($row = $stmtP->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)){
<tr >
<?php echo "<td>{$Matricule} {$NomPrenom} {$Service}</td>" ?>
<?php echo "<td class='form-group form-md-line-input '> <input name='check[]'
class='form-check-input' id='form_control_1' type='checkbox' value='$ID' style></td>" ?>
<?php echo "<td class='form-group form-md-line-input '> <input disabled class='form-
control' id='form_control_1' type='text' value='{$Direction}'></td>" ?>
<?php echo "<td class='form-group form-md-line-input '> <textarea disabled class='form-
control' rows='2' >{$IDFormation}</textarea></td>" ?>
<?php echo "<td class='form-group form-md-line-input '> <input disabled class='form-
control' id='form_control_1' type='text' value='{$DateFiche}'></td>" ?>
<?php echo "<td class='form-group form-md-line-input '> <textarea disabled class='form-
control' rows='2' >{$FonctionCible}</textarea></td>" ?>
<?php echo "<td class='form-group form-md-line-input '> <textarea disabled class='form-
control' rows='2' >{$IndicateurSucces}</textarea></td>" ?>
<?php echo "<td class='form-group form-md-line-input '> <input disabled class='form-
control' id='form_control_1' type='text' value='{$PeriodeSouhaite}'></td>" ?>
<?php echo "<td class='form-group form-md-line-input '> <input disabled class='form-
control' id='form_control_1' type='text' value='{$NbrePersonne}'></td>" ?>
<?php if ('b'=='a')
{ echo "<td>
<a class='btn green btn-outline btn-sm' href='a_planifier.php?IDF={$IDFiche}&IDFD=
{$ID}' role='button'><span class='glyphicon glyphicon-floppy-save ' aria-hidden='true'>
</span> ENREGISTRER</a>
</td>"; }
echo "<td> <a class='btn btn-lg red' href='edit-a-planifier.php?ID={$ID}' data-
toggle='confirmation' data-placement='left' data-original-title='Modifier ?'> <i
<a class='btn btn-lg green' href='a_valider.php?ID={$ID}' data-toggle='confirmation'
data-placement='left' data-original-title='Valider ?'>
<i class='glyphicon glyphicon-floppy-save'></i>
</td>" ;
} ?>
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