When I check the checkbox, I want the "checked" value to become True and if I uncheck it, it becomes False. However, when I run my code, when I check a checkbox, the checkbox of the last element of my list checks/unchecks too and only that last element's value changes. I don't know where my problem lies. Here's the code:
import streamlit as st
st.write("# Practice Test Maker!")
if 'question' not in st.session_state:
st.session_state.question = []
if 'answer' not in st.session_state:
st.session_state.answer = []
textbox_question = st.text_input("Write a question: ")
textbox_answer = st.text_input("Write the answer of your question: ")
def add_question():
st.session_state.question.append({"text" : textbox_question, "checked" : False})
def add_answer():
def add_on_click():
def clear_all():
st.session_state.question = []
st.session_state.answer = []
enter_button = st.button("Add", on_click = add_on_click)
for i, question in enumerate(st.session_state.question):
def update_question():
st.session_state.question[i]['checked'] = not st.session_state.question[i]['checked']
st.checkbox(question['text'], value = question['checked'], on_change = update_question, key = i)
def remove_question():
for question in st.session_state.question:
if question['checked'] == True:
index = st.session_state.question.index(question)
del st.session_state.answer[index]
remove_button = st.button("Remove", on_click = remove_question)
clear_button = st.button("Clear", on_click = clear_all)
I expect that when I check the checkbox, the st.session_state.question['checked'] changes the boolean value to the element corresponding to the checkbox and not the last one of the element. Probably the important parts of the code that have problem are:
if 'question' not in st.session_state:
st.session_state.question = []
def add_question():
st.session_state.question.append({"text" : textbox_question, "checked" : False})
for i, question in enumerate(st.session_state.question):
def update_question():
st.session_state.question[i]['checked'] = not st.session_state.question[i]['checked']
st.checkbox(question['text'], value = question['checked'], on_change = update_question, key = i)
Thank you very much in advance!
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