vendredi 28 avril 2023

Using javascript to create a checkbox with a label to the right

I'm using Javascript to construct a html, I'm trying to put a label to the right of the checkbox.

I tried different line order with the Javascript code and different appendChild order, but I never get the result I want.

    const div_recordar_login = document.createElement("div");

    const label_chk_rec_log = document.createElement("label");

    const input_chk_rec_log = document.createElement("input");
    input_chk_rec_log.type = "checkbox";
    label_chk_rec_log.textContent = "Recordar usuario ";

This is what I expect in html

    <div class="remember-forgot">
    <label><input type="checkbox">Recordar usuario</label>

This is what I'm getting

    <div class="remember-forgot">
         Recordar usuario 
         <input type="checkbox">

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