jeudi 6 avril 2023

I am trying to get checkbox value using flask. i below code

i trying this code these code in html like.

<div class="button-container">
<form action="/get_Exp" method="GET">
    <button onclick="getData()">Get Selected Values</button>

and in flask like this

def web_page_1():
    global table_html
    soup_web = BeautifulSoup(table_html, "html.parser")
    # print(soup_web)
    # get a reference to the table element
    table = soup_web.table

    # loop through each row and add a checkbox input element
    for i, row in enumerate(table.find_all("tr")[1:]):
        if row is not None:
            cell = soup_web.new_tag("td")  # create a new td element
            checkbox = soup_web.new_tag("input",type="checkbox",value=i,
                                id=f'checkbox_{i}') # create a new input element with type="checkbox" and id custom id

            cell.append(checkbox)  # add the checkbox to the new td element
            row.append(cell)  # add the new td element to the end of the row
    global table_html_add_checkbox
    table_html_add_checkbox = str(soup_web)
    return render_template('web_page_1.html', table_html=table_html_add_checkbox)

@app.route('/get_Exp', methods=['GET'])
def get_Exp():
    checkbox_values = request.form.getlist('checkbox')
    return "Get Submitted successfully Run!"

but i am getting empty list. i also try this checkbox = soup_web.new_tag("input", type="checkbox", id=f'checkbox_{i}',attrs={'name':'checkbox'})

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