vendredi 30 décembre 2016

Boostrap multiselct dropdown to have multiple selected values in prior

I have an issue to get the multiselect dropdown selected based on the data. This is update action. When I go to update the roles I need this multislect to have previously checked box to be checked once I enter the page. I am doing in the below method as code pasted.

jquery Code

    var count = 1;
    if(count == 1){
        var a = "["+$(".checkbox-val").text()+"]";
        var arr = a.split(",");


            includeSelectAllOption: false,
            numberDisplayed: 0,
            enableFiltering: true,


and my div code from where I am retrieving the text

  for ($i=0; $i < $count; $i++){ ?>
              <div class="checkbox-val" style="font-size: 0px;"><?php echo  '"'.$user1[$i].'"'.',';?> </div>
         <?php } ?>

  • When I alert or log "var a" I get this output ["Risk Assessor", "Risk Manager",].
  • When I put the same content in

    $("#lstFruit").val(["Risk Assessor", "Risk Manager",]);

  • With above code I get selected checkbox as expected.

  • Instead of the above code I use variable a in place of the array above.


What can I do to achieve what I want. Is there any alternative for this?

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