samedi 31 décembre 2016

How To Check CheckBox From Multiple CheckBoxes On WebPage Using Data Provider(Excel) In Selenium WebDriver with JAVA

Scenario : I am currently automating a form where I am passing all input from excel. It includes textboxes ,checkboxes datepicker etc. Form includes total 15 checkboxes. Now I want my script to check 1 checkbox which is mentioned in excel. I am using TestNG and Apache POI for it. Here is what I have done to get it :

public void EventCreation1(String EventName, String EventTagLine,String EventOrganization,String City,String State,String Country, String EventCategory ,String EventDescription,String Name,String EmailID,String Contact)

        driver.get("WEBPAGE URL");


//For Category
List<WebElement> Checkbox = driver.findElements(By.xpath("//input[@type='checkbox']")).getAttribute;

        for(int i=0; i<Checkbox.size();i++ )

            WebElement El =Checkbox.get(i);     
            String id =El.getAttribute("value");


Here // String EventCategory is the Checkbox option I am passing as parameter from excel.

Could you please help in this what is wrong here?

HTML Tag: 

                <div class="section colm colm9">

                    <div class="frm-row">

                        <div class="section colm colm4">

                            <div class="option-group">

                                <label class="option option-blue block">
                                    <input type="checkbox" name="eventType[]" value="TechFest">
                                    <span class="checkbox"></span> TechFest

                                <label class="option option-blue block spacer-t10">
                                    <input type="checkbox" name="eventType[]" value="Cultural Fest">
                                    <span class="checkbox"></span> Cultural Fest

                                <label class="option option-blue block spacer-t10">
                                    <input type="checkbox" name="eventType[]" value="Management Fest">
                                    <span class="checkbox"></span> Management Fest

                                <label class="option option-blue block spacer-t10">
                                    <input type="checkbox" name="eventType[]" value="Sports Fest">
                                    <span class="checkbox"></span> Sports Fest

                                <label class="option option-blue block spacer-t10">
                                    <input type="checkbox" name="eventType[]" value="Workshop">
                                    <span class="checkbox"></span> Workshop

                            </div><!-- end .option-group section -->

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