mardi 28 février 2017

Counting New Button Checks Using jQuery

Trying pass the number of newly checked, check boxes through Google Tag Manager:

function () { 
  var newChecks = 0;
  var counter = $('.checkBoxClass').change(function() 
    if (this.checked) 
  return newChecks;

When adding an alert to the this.checked function, it works well.
The only issue is that I am not seeing it pass through and save as a variable:

data not passing to variable

At this point I was also trying to run the .length of all checked boxes and by using .one run another parallel .length to capture the initial checkbox load for an equation of:

totalCheckBoxes - loadedCheckBoxes = total;
return total;

Feel like at this point there is something going on with GTM that I cannot see that's not saving the value.

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