mardi 28 février 2017

Remove unchecked value from an array angular js

I am new to angular js. I have a checkbox with a table .

<td><input type="checkbox" ng-if="report.attributes.message.length > 0" ng-bind="report.attributes.message" ng-click="getcheckedData(report.attributes.message)"></td>

Here , I have a method getcheckedData(). So, In that method

                  var messages = [];

$scope.getcheckedData = function(SelectedVal) {     
                         $("input:checkbox[type=checkbox]:checked").each(function() {
                                if ($.inArray(SelectedVal , messages) === -1){
                        return messages;

I have an array which I declared globally,.So, I want to take the value of selected checkbox table data into that array. I am able to get that value in array. So, when user unchecks then the value which is unchecked should also get removed from that array . So, when user checks then , I have given one button on that I am sending all checked messages to the backend. So, When I uncheck and press the button that time all messages still remain in the array.

  $scope.sendAllMessages = function() {      
                        .then(function () {
                        }, function (error) {
                            $scope.errorMessage = error.status + " : " + error.statusText;
                            toastr.error($scope.errorMessage, 'Error : ' + error.status);
                            if (error.status === 401) {
                        .finally(function () {


For button -

<button type="submit" 
                      ng-click = "sendAllMessages()" 
                      class="button-size btn btn-primary">Send

so, How can I resolve this problem ?

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