jeudi 23 février 2017

How to not add the a checkbox to the "optgroup" of a select2 wen injecting the checkbox input

i'm using Select2 with checkboxes injecting like the following :

<select id="select" style="width: 300px;" multiple="multiple">
        <optgroup label="Inclure Group">
        <optgroup label="Exclure group">

here is the injectiong :

                        templateResult: function (data) {
                            var $res = $j('<span></span>');
                            var $check = $j('<input type="checkbox" />');

                            if (data.element) {
                                $check.prop('checked', data.element.selected);
                            return $res;
                        closeOnSelect: false

this manner allows me to inject checbkoxes to all the options and the optgroup which i wanna do not add checkboxes ;

enter image description here

how can i evitate this ??

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