jeudi 24 août 2017

How to correctly display radiobutton in mvc 5

I want to know what is the best way to display check boxes in mvc 5 application.

Attempt 1:

    @Html.RadioButton("SearchBy", "Name", true) <text> Name </text>
    @Html.RadioButton("SearchBy", "Location") <text> Location</text>

    public ActionResult Create(CoverLetterViewModel viewModel, string searchBy)

Attempt 2:

       public string SelectedRoleType { get; set; }
            @Html.RadioButtonFor(m => m.SelectedRoleType, "JobSeeker", new { @class = "js-radio", id = "" })
            <span>Job Seeker</span>

            @Html.RadioButtonFor(m => m.SelectedRoleType, "Referrer", new { @class = "js-radio", id = "" })
      //controller action
        public ActionResult Create(CoverLetterViewModel viewModel)

Attempt 3: Now suppose I have 10 radiobutton, is there any efficient way to create radiobutton. I mean suppose I have a list of radiobuttonitem, Something like below

public List<SOME RADIBUTTON ITEM> radiobuttonlist {get;set;}


Can we somehow display radiobuttonsame way we handle List of Dropdown Item . Can we somehow avoid hardcoding "Referrer" AND "JobSeeker" text in view file.

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