vendredi 30 mars 2018

Laravel Sending email to all selected checkboxes

I am sending email to all members at once. Now i am trying to send emails to selected users. How can i do that?

This is my existing mailController

public function send_mail()
    $joinus = new Joinus;
    $mails = Joinus::all();
    $array = array();

    foreach ($mails as $mail)
        array_push($array, $mail->email);


    Mail::to($array)->send(new SendMail($joinus->email))->delay(60);

I am getting all users from Joinus model. Adding them to an array and sending emails to all arrays child. Am i need to add smt to SendMail? Or do i have to use jquery? If anyone give me code example i'll be gladful. This isn't to hard question. But i just didn't make it out.

Also this is the checkbox's place

    <input type="checkbox" name="row_id" id="checkbox_" value="">

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