vendredi 12 avril 2019

How to check multiple selectors via jq?

I want a reaction when all three checkboxes are checked, but not when even one isn't checked.


"#cBox1, #cBox2, #cBox3 are checked = Consol.log('checked');"

"Just #cBox1, #cBox3 are checked = Consol.log('NOT checked');"

I've already tried the following, without the right result: if($('#cBox01, #cBox02, #cBox03')

<div id="cBoxes">
    <input id="cBox01" class="cBox" type="checkbox" name="cBox01" value="cBox01"> checkbox 1<br>
    <input id="cBox02" class="cBox" type="checkbox" name="cBox02" value="cBox02"> checkbox 2<br>
    <input id="cBox03" class="cBox" type="checkbox" name="cBox03" value="cBox03"> checkbox 3<br>

$('.cBox').change( function(){
  if($('#cBox01' && '#cBox02' && '#cBox03').is(':checked')){
  }else {
    console.log('NOT checked');

I got the right result after #cBox3 is checked but just for this one and not for all of them.

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