mercredi 24 avril 2019

Radio and Checkbox button state cleared when clicking browser's back button

i have a problem with regards to checkbox button state when navigating to next page then click back button of Edge (MS) browser.

While digging for information about this problem, i came across this bug report. Since 2015, it has no updates. To date, is there any workarounds with this issue?

The use case is below;

  1. User access a page
  2. Tick's a checkbox or radio button
  3. Navigate to another page (either via address bar or clicking a link via tag)
  4. Once another page has been loaded, Click Edge's back button (or Alt + Left Arrow)
  5. Previous state/value of checkbox or radio button must persist or preserved.

Right now, state/value is cleared when navigating back to page via Back button of Edge.

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