dimanche 15 décembre 2019

reactjs checkbox check and unchecked event

I made a todo app and I wanted to improvise it by showing all completed task

enter image description here

Checking "Show completed task" works fine and shows me all completed task using the code below

// App.js
filterCompleted = () => {
  this.setState({todos: [...this.state.todos.filter(todo => {return todo.completed === true})]})

// NavBar.js
<input type="checkbox" onChange={ () => this.props.filterCompleted()}></input> <span> Show completed 

Un-checking the "Show completed task" should bring me back the the original state
I tried checking if the checkbox is checked or not but the code below doesn't seems to work.

// App.js
filterCompleted = (filter) => {
  //this.setState({todos: [...this.state.todos.filter(todo => {return todo.completed === true})]})
  alert('unchecked  ')

input type="checkbox" onChange={() => this.props.filterCompleted(this)}></input> <span> Show completed task</span>

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