dimanche 29 mars 2020

Save and restore check status of multiple checkboxes in a Chrome extension

I can save and restore a user input in a text field, based on the ID of the field - the code works as i expect, like:

function save_options() {
  var api = document.getElementById('text_field').value;
    savedApi: api,
document.getElementById("save").addEventListener("click", save_options);

function restore_options() {  
    chrome.storage.sync.get({"savedApi": ''}, function(items) {
      document.getElementById('text_field').value = items.savedApi;
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', restore_options);

Now i want to save the check status of multiple checkboxes. Should i really repeat this construction for every checkbox? Could somebody point me to a smarter way to save status of multiple checkboxes?

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