I want to make a select all checkbox based on this findle. I made a coffeescript like this:
$(document).on 'click','.select_all_clans', ->
if $(this).is(':checked')
$('.clan_checkbox').attr 'checked', true
But it works only when the check_box.clan_checkbox was not selected earlier, and it checks them only once.
This is my form:
<%= form_tag show_schools_path do %>
Wybierz klan/y:
Feniks: <%= check_box_tag 'clans[]','Feniks', (true if !@clans.nil? and @clans.include? 'Feniks'), class: "clan_checkbox" %>,
Jednorożec: <%= check_box_tag 'clans[]','Jednorożec', (true if !@clans.nil? and @clans.include? 'Jednorożec'), class: "clan_checkbox" %>,
Krab: <%= check_box_tag 'clans[]', 'Krab', (true if !@clans.nil? and @clans.include? 'Krab'), class: "clan_checkbox" %>,
Lew: <%= check_box_tag 'clans[]', 'Lew', (true if !@clans.nil? and @clans.include? 'Lew'), class: "clan_checkbox" %>,
Zaznacz Wszystkie: <%= check_box_tag 'select_all', 'nil', false, class: "select_all_clans" %>
<%= submit_tag "Szukaj!" %>
<% end %>
I think this is becouse of this (true if !@clans.nil? and @clans.include? 'Lew')
I am just starting learning CS so pleasemake full explain if possible :)
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