mercredi 27 mai 2015

Php advanced dynamic filtering

I am trying to build a website in PHP to manage a Perfume E-Shop. On the "Buy perfumes" page i have the filtering options on the left and the rest of the content(right side) should be filled in with the results.

For example, i have a list with some brands, each line containing a checkBox also. I know how to instantly show the results if a checkbox is checked.(assign a js function that sends an ajax request to a php script that makes some queries from the db and then show the results).

The problem is when i want to check multiple checkboxes and filter the results dinamicaly, without any submit button. Ex: i want all the Calvin Klein fragrances and then check the Chanel checkbox too then unckeck them both and check other 3.

I don't expect you to help me with code pieces but with ideas and what should i use in oder to achieve my goal.

I have attached a printScreen also. ![enter image description here][1]

PS: I'm not allowed to use any jQuery, just pure JS.

Thank you in advance!

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