vendredi 29 mai 2015

Display of checkboxes in dataTable in Shiny not displaying, html code displays, how to fix that?

I am displaying a dataTable in Shiny, and I added the checkboxes to one of my dataTables, however it doesn't display the checkboxes but shows the code the html code for the checkbox " " Does anyone know the fix for this? Thank you!

Here is a summary of code I used:

Ui file: DT::dataTableOutput(paste0("siFactors_",i))

Server file: output[[paste0('siFactors_', i)]] <- DT::renderDataTable({ datatable(final_array, extensions='KeyTable', rownames = checkboxRows(final_array, checked = box_indices), options = list(deferRender = TRUE, paging = FALSE, searching = FALSE, autoWidth = FALSE, scrollX = TRUE, scrollY = 600, scrollCollapse = TRUE




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