mercredi 24 juin 2015

How to make form handler of checkbox, Python, Django

I have a problem: I want to make checkboxes of each line of table:

<form action="" method="post">
    {% csrf_token %}
                <th width="150">first_col</th>
                <th width="150">third_col</th>
{% for i in list %}
    <td><input type="checkbox" name="choices" value="{{}}"></td>
    <td>{{ i.created_date}}</td>
    <td><a href="/{{i}}/"> {{ host }}/{{i}}/ </a></td>
{% endfor %}
    <button type="submit" name="delete" class="button">Del</button>

And in the def I make next in order to check if it works:

if 'delete' in request.POST:
    for item in request.POST.getlist('choices'):
        print (item)

But it does not print anything... What do i do wrong? Or can you help me to write correct handler of checkboxes?

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