mardi 30 juin 2015

using the checkbox value from a jquery DataTable in laravel eloquent

I have a jQuery DataTable in a Laravel App. I want to confirm the previously stored data from someone else by using a checkbox. When that checkbox is checked I want to update that record's attribute is_confirmed with the value 1 (true). Now I can get all the records that i need to confirm from the database. However when I try to confirm one of them, every single record is confirmed even why i leave the other checkbox unchecked.

I guess that the error is in the controller update method below:

public function update(Request $request)
    $user = Auth::user();
    $is_validated = $request->get('is_validated');

    foreach ($is_validated as $valid_Id) {
        if($valid_Id.value(1)) //<-here i suspect that the error is
            DB::table('reports')->update(['is_validated' => 1, 'validated_by' => $user->id]);
    return view('validate.update');

I tried changing the value of the checkbox with the code below.

    cb = $(this);
    cb.value = 1;

And I also tried using radio buttons, however since they all have the same name i could only select 1 button in all the records.

I'm stuck at this point and it seems that I can't figure it out on my own. All the help or hints are appreciated.

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