What I need is a checkbox to activate or deactivate the random playback from tracks in a playlist (datatable). If the checkbox is checked and a playing track ended the next random track should start playing automatically.
Heres my event which is automatically called when a track has ended:
// This event is automatically called when a track has ended
private void mePlayer_MediaEnded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
// Check, if the the (last calculated) Index is in the datagrid range
// -1 is used, cause the indexes starts by 0 not 1
if (newIndex >= (dgPlayList.Items.Count - 1))
// If the end of the datagrid is reached, set index to 0 for playing the first track
newIndex = 0;
// Is there a following track in the datagrid, then use the next calculated index
newIndex += 1;
Console.WriteLine("Set index to: " + newIndex);
// Tell the media player to use the calculated nexIndex
mePlayer.Source = new Uri(playList.Rows[newIndex]["Dateiname"].ToString());
lblFileName.Content = getFileName(playList.Rows[newIndex]["Dateiname"].ToString());
// Starts to play and set it to play
isPlaying = true;
Im pretty new to C# and I just don't know how to integrate that the player plays a random track after a track has ended.
Hope anybody can help me with this issue. Thanks!
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