jeudi 24 septembre 2015

Checking Checkbox in View based on Field Value

In my application I have splits and issues. I have the issue_id on my splits table and if the issue_id for a split contains 1 I want to show the checkbox for that split as checked.

I have the checkbox getting checked, but it's checking all of them regardless of what the content of issue_id is.

Here is my controller code:

@selected_split = false

if params[:issue_id] == "1"
  @selected_split = true

Here is an abbreviation of the code I have in my index view:

<% @splits.each do |split| %>
     <td><%= check_box_tag 'issue_id', 1,  {:checked => "checked"}%></td> 
     <td><%= link_to, split_path(split) %> 
<% end %>

I've looked at this page as an example, but like I said it's checking all of the checkboxes.

All help is greatly appreciated.

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