jeudi 24 septembre 2015

How to refer to Parent Gridview from Checkbox in jQuery

This function works. It's a quick way of selecting all the checkboxes in a GridView from the checked status of the header checkbox, and for only a specific column.

//jQuery to select all checkboxes on the last column (4th column) of gvStudents
function SelectAllCheckboxesCol(chk) 
    //var gV = chk.parent;
    var wsList = "#<%=gvStudents.ClientID %> >tbody >tr >td:nth-child(4) > input:checkbox";
    var cBox = $(wsList);
    cBox.attr('checked', chk.checked);  //check all the checkboxes

I don't like hard-coding in the gvStudents nor the column number 4.

How can I re-write this to be more dynamic - ie: to bring in the Gridview and n-th column number?

Here was my attempt but I get literal and no object reference errors.

//jQuery to select all checkboxes on the last column (4th column) of gvStudents
function SelectAllCheckboxesCol(chk) 
    var gV = chk.parent; // assume this brings in the Gridview?
    var wsList = "#<%=" + gV.CliendID + " %> >tbody >tr >td:nth-child(4) > input:checkbox";
    var cBox = $(wsList);
    cBox.attr('checked', chk.checked);  //check all the checkboxes


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