I have this HTML/Spacebars in a Meteor template:
<label for="seljoblocs">Select the Jobs/Locations for the selected Worker</label>
<div id="seljoblocs" name="seljoblocs">
{{#each jobLocs}}
<input type="checkbox" value={{jl_jobloc}}><label>{{jl_jobloc}}</label>
This generates a checkbox for each "jobloc" via the Helper function:
jobLocs: function() {
return JobLocations.find({}, {
sort: {
jl_jobloc: 1
fields: {
jl_jobloc: 1
I have this jQuery for that template's form submit event:
'submit form': function(event, template) {
var workerid = template.find('#selworker').value;
Meteor.call('insertWorkerJobLocLookup', workerid, jobloc, function(err)
if (err) {
Session.set("lastErrMsg", err.message);
} else {
console.log(workerid + ' for ' + jobloc + ' inserted');
} // else
}); // Meteor call
// TODO: Uncheck all the checkboxes
I need to loop through all the checked checkboxes, calling the 'insertWorkerJobLocLookup' method once for each checked checkbox, something like this (pseudocode):
'submit form': function(event, template) {
var workerid = template.find('#selworker').value;
foreach (checked checkbox czech) {
var jobLocation = czech.value;
Meteor.call('insertWorkerJobLocLookup', workerid, jobLocation,
function(err) {
if (err) {
Session.set("lastErrMsg", err.message);
} else {
console.log(workerid + ' for ' + jobloc + ' inserted');
} // else
}); // Meteor call
// TODO: Uncheck all the checkboxes
This portion:
foreach (checked checkbox czech) {
var jobLocation = czech.value;
...of the pseudocode is where I have no clue what to do to first loop through the checked checkboxes, and then get the value.
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