mercredi 30 septembre 2015

Make checkbox selected on the basis of some field parameter in grid Magento

Hi i have created a custom grid using a silksoftware.which works fine. Now i need to make the check-box selected on the basis of some condition.Like say if i have a collection of 10 entries and i have selected 5 out of them and change there values with mass action. Now i need to show those 5 as selected in check-box. Can you please suggest me how can i do this.

My grid file is as below

class Iclp_Cusgrid_Block_Adminhtml_Cusgrid_Grid extends Mage_Adminhtml_Block_Widget_Grid

        public function __construct()

        protected function _prepareCollection()
                $collection = Mage::getModel("cusgrid/cusgrid")->getCollection();
                return parent::_prepareCollection();
        protected function _prepareColumns()
                $this->addColumn("cusgrid_id", array(
                "header" => Mage::helper("cusgrid")->__("ID"),
                "align" =>"right",
                "width" => "50px",
                "type" => "number",
                "index" => "cusgrid_id",

                $this->addColumn("region", array(
                "header" => Mage::helper("cusgrid")->__("region"),
                "index" => "region",
                $this->addColumn("regioncode", array(
                "header" => Mage::helper("cusgrid")->__("regioncode"),
                "index" => "regioncode",
            $this->addExportType('*/*/exportCsv', Mage::helper('sales')->__('CSV')); 
            $this->addExportType('*/*/exportExcel', Mage::helper('sales')->__('Excel'));

                return parent::_prepareColumns();

        public function getRowUrl($row)
               return $this->getUrl("*/*/edit", array("id" => $row->getId()));

        protected function _prepareMassaction()
            $this->getMassactionBlock()->addItem('remove_cusgrid', array(
                     'label'=> Mage::helper('cusgrid')->__('Remove Cusgrid'),
                     'url'  => $this->getUrl('*/adminhtml_cusgrid/massRemove'),
                     'confirm' => Mage::helper('cusgrid')->__('Are you sure?')
            return $this;


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