lundi 23 novembre 2015

Checkbox clicking works, deselecting checkbox not working Javascript

I am working on calculating price based on the userinput. When user enters the number of pages it will be multiplied by 2 and result will get displayed in #result box. Now when user clicks the checkbox, the total (#result) value will get multiplied by 3 and displays in #result textbox. when user unclicks it, the old result should get displayed in the text box.


      Total number of pages: 2 ---> total: 4
      checkbox clicked ----> total: 12
      checkbox unchecked ---> total: 4

When the click the checkbox the value 12 is displayed, but when i uncheck the checkbox the value is still 12, instead of displaying 4...

can anyone help me out with the solution

    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
        function calculate() 
    var myBox1 = document.getElementById('pages').value;
                alert('Enter only numbers');
              const myBox2=2;
              var result = document.getElementById('result');   
              var myResult = myBox1 * myBox2;
              result.value = myResult;
        function checkbox1()
            var result1 = document.getElementById('result').value;
            const bresult=result1;
            if(document.getElementById('ckbox').checked === true)
                const checks=3;
                var myResult1=result1 * checks;
                result.value = myResult1;
            if(document.getElementById('ckbox').checked === false)
        <td>Number of Pages</td>
        <td>Check Boxes</td>

        <td><input id="pages" type="text" oninput="calculate()" /></td>
        <td><input type="checkbox" id="ckbox"   onclick="checkbox1()">Assistance</td>
        <td><input id="result" /></td>

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