vendredi 20 novembre 2015

How do I turn ON/OFF input with type = checkbox using javascript

I have an input type checkbox that is configured for on/off purposes, with values true/false accordingly. I want to be able to turn it off and on whenever i call a function using javascript.

The checkbox looks like this:

<div class="onoffswitch">
    <input type="hidden" id="i" value="{{bc}}"/>
    <input type="checkbox" data-type="bc-s" name="onoffswitch{{itemID}}-age" class="onoffswitch-checkbox bc-manage" id="asd" {{#bc}}checked{{/bc}} />
    <label id="sbc" class="onoffswitch-label" for="myonoffswitch{{itemID}}-age">
        <div class="onoffswitch-inner"></div>
        <div class="onoffswitch-switch"></div>

I want to turn it on/off using this:

container.find("#asd").prop('checked', !data.bc);

but failed then tried this:


and nothing works. I don't know why.

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