lundi 25 juillet 2016

adding events on runtime for checkbox in userform in excel

I have tried @DaveShaw code, for events on runtime for checkboxes, is click not an valid method for checkbox? It never get into the method checkBoxEvent_click

Dim CheckBoxArray() As New ClassEvents          
for i=0 to 10  
          Set cTemp = MOM.Frame_MOM_MOM.Controls.Add("Forms.CheckBox.1")

            With cTemp
                .Top = HeaderOffset + RowOffset + i * 25 'your top pos
                .Visible = True
                .Left = 30  'your left pos
                .Width = widthOfLabel 'your width
                .Name = Replace(keyArrays(i, 1), " ", "_")
                .Caption = keyArrays(i, 1) 'your caption ,

            End With

            ReDim Preserve CheckBoxArray(0 To i)
            Set CheckBoxArray(i).checkBoxEvent = cTemp
            next i

and my ClassEvents class looks like this:

Public WithEvents checkBoxEvent As MSForms.checkBox

Private Sub checkBoxEvent_click()
    MsgBox "halla" 'checkBox.Caption
End Sub

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