I need to prepare a shiny app for a school project. This is a link of what it is supposed to look like
If you look at the app you see there is a checkbox named medals.When you open the app they are all selected but in the event the user decides to uncheck them all there should be a small error and no graph should be drawn.
I am having trouble getting to this, when I uncheck all the boxes in my app it draws an empty drawing
This is the important part of the code:
column(3,checkboxGroupInput("Medals", label = strong("Medals"),
choices = list("Total" = "TOTAL", "Gold" = 'GOLD',
"Silver" = 'SILVER','Bronze'='BRONZE'),
selected = c('TOTAL','GOLD','SILVER','BRONZE')))),
mainPanel(plotOutput('coolplot'),width = '40%'))
server <- function(input, output){output$coolplot<-renderPlot(plot.medals2(input$country,
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
I am using a function plot.medals2 that gets a vector of medals ,start year, ending year, country and returns a drawing of the graph.
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