mercredi 11 octobre 2017

Calculate cell value using selected option in table

I'm trying to build a single table that houses all of the pricing options I need. This should be simple, but I'm getting NaN responses in the cell meant to contain the calculation.

<!DOCTYPE html>
                <table border="2">
                                <th>Subscription Memberships</th>
                                <td>Subscription Type:
                                <select id="duration">
                                        <option value="1MonthSub">Monthly Subscription</option>
                                        <option value="3MonthSub">Quarterly Subscription</option>
                                        <option value="6MonthSub">Bi-Annual Subscription</option>
                                        <option value="yearSub">Yearly Subscription</option>
                                <input type="checkbox" id="discount">
                                I am eligible for the student, military, or senior discount.</td>
                                <td><span id="calculated"></span></td>

                        function calcPrice() {

                                var choice = document.getElementById("duration");
                                var dur = choice.options[choice.selectedIndex].text;
                                var price;
                                var per;
                                var output;

                                switch(dur) {
                                case "1MonthSub":
                                        price = 65;
                                        per = " / month";
                                case "3MonthSub":
                                        price = 220;
                                        per = " / 3 months";
                                case "6MonthSub":
                                        price = 440;
                                        per = " / 6 months";
                                case "yearSub":
                                        price = 900;
                                        per = " / year";
                                }//end switch

                                if (document.getElementById("discount").checked) {
                                        price = price * 0.9;
                                }//end if

                                output = price + per;
                                return output;
                        }//end calcPrice()

                        document.getElementById("calculated").innerHTML = calcPrice();

The NaN cell SHOULD calculate the price based on the option selected from the dropdown and the true/false value of the checkbox. I've tried moving the script portions around, and when they're placed before the table nothing shows up in the cell at all. What am I missing here?

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