mardi 3 octobre 2017

Class module for All checkboxes prevents traditional grouping in sheet

I have a class module set to encompass ALL checkboxes on sheet, so that when any of them are clicked, a sub will run to populate some cells. It works great, but I'm having some trouble because I still want to group some of the cells together to create a user form. I'll have tons of checkboxes and some of them might need to run a separate sub, because they relate to a different range on my sheet.

The code runs fine when the checkboxes are individual, but if I group them together, I get an error box:

"run-time error '438: Object doesn't support this property or method"

The code seems to be fine again, once I ungroup the checkboxes. I hope I don't have to try and move these things around individually as the form begins to take shape.

Here's the code I have: Class module called: ChkClass

Option Explicit

Public WithEvents ChkBoxGroup As MSForms.CheckBox

Private Sub ChkBoxGroup_Change()
    Debug.Print "ChkBoxGroup_Change"
End Sub

Private Sub ChkBoxGroup_Click()
    Dim findrow As Long, findrow2 As Long, i As Long
    findrow = Range("B:B").Find("Feature Styles", Range("B1")).Row
    findrow2 = Range("B:B").Find("Feature Options", Range("B" & findrow)).Row
    For i = findrow To findrow2

    If Range("B" & i).Value = Range("O" & i).Value Then
        Range("C" & i).Value = True
    Else: Range("C" & i).Value = False
    End If
Next i
End Sub    

I also have in module1:

Option Explicit

Dim CheckBoxes() As New ChkClass
Const numChkBoxes = 20

Sub doCheckBoxes()
End Sub

Sub makeCheckBoxes()       ' creates a column of checkBoxes

Dim sht As Worksheet
Set sht = ActiveSheet

Dim i As Integer
For i = 1 To sht.Shapes.Count
'    Debug.Print sht.Shapes(1).Properties
Next i

Dim xSize As Integer:    xSize = 2      ' horizontal size (number of cells)
Dim ySize As Integer:    ySize = 1      ' vertical size

Dim t As Range
Set t = sht.Range("g2").Resize(ySize, xSize)

For i = 1 To numChkBoxes
    sht.Shapes.AddOLEObject ClassType:="Forms.CheckBox.1", Left:=t.Left, 
Top:=t.Top, Width:=t.Width - 2, Height:=t.Height
    Set t = t.Offset(ySize)
Next i

End Sub

Sub activateCheckBoxes()       ' assigns all checkBoxes on worksheet to 

Dim sht As Worksheet
Set sht = ActiveSheet

ReDim CheckBoxes(1 To 1)

Dim i As Integer
For i = 1 To sht.Shapes.Count

    ReDim Preserve CheckBoxes(1 To i)
    Set CheckBoxes(i).ChkBoxGroup = sht.Shapes(i).OLEFormat.Object.Object

Next i

End Sub

Finally, in the main sheet module:

Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
End Sub

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