I'm new here (and beginner in VBA). I tried to modify this code to set checkbox only for cells in Range("B21:B40") which aren't empty.
Code is not ready. I m not sure how to build two for each loops working pararell that one will check content in Range("B21:B25") and next in Range("A21:A25") will set checkboxes
Sub ActiveCheckBox()
Dim setRange As Range, cel As Range
Dim checkRange As Range, cel1 As Range
Dim wks As Worksheet
Dim cb As Checkbox
Set wks = Sheets("InterFace")
Set setRange = wks.Range("A21:A25")
Set checkRange = wks.Range("B21:B25")
For Each cel1 In checkRange
If cel1 <> "" Then
For Each setRange In checkRange
Set cb = cel.Worksheet.CheckBoxes.Add(cel.Left + cel.Width / 2 - 8.25, _
cel.Top + cel.Height / 2 - 8.25, 0, 0) ' 8.25 is cb.Height / 2
With cb
.Text = vbNullString ' to clear Caption
.LinkedCell = cel.Address(0, 0) ' Example A1 instead of $A$1
.Name = "cb" & cb.LinkedCell ' optional
End With
End If
setRange.NumberFormat = ";;;" ' optional to hide the cell values
End Sub
To build that i used code from this topic Script to Insert a Checkbox into every cell and assign it to that cell in Excel Please let me know what i'm doing wrong.
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