jeudi 19 octobre 2017

How can I unify text that take from multiple group radio button and multiple group checkbox?

My javascript code like this :

        var $radio = $(this);
        var name = $(this).prop("name");

        // if this was previously checked
        if ($'waschecked') == true)
            $radio.prop('checked', false);
            $'waschecked', false);
            $'waschecked', true);
            $("input[name=\""+name+"\"]:not(:checked)").data('waschecked', false);

        var output = [];
        var txt;
        $('input[type="radio"]:checked').each( function() {
                txt = $(this).parent().text();
        $('#result-select').text(output.join(' - '));

Demo and full code like this :

I want to :

If I select chelsea, madrid and juve the result like this :

Chelsea - Madrid - Juve

If I select chelsea and madrid the result like this :

Chelsea - Madrid

If I select chelsea, madrid, juve and milan the result like this :

Chelsea - Madrid - Juve - Milan

So if I check radio button, it display the text. If I uncheck radio button, it not display the text. I check combobox, it display the text. If I uncheck combobox, it not display the text

For example the text :

Chelsea - Madrid - Juve - Milan

I uncheck Juve, the result like this :

Chelsea - Madrid - Milan

On the radio button, it works But on the checkbox, I'm still confused

How can I do it?

Update :

The radio button can be unchecked

For example :

If I select chelsea, madrid and juve the result like this :

Chelsea - Madrid - Juve

Then I uncheck madrid, the result like this :

Chelsea - Juve

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