mardi 17 octobre 2017

How to program preset checkboxes which define wich radiobutton is checked

Case: I'm trying to create a few checkboxes which define what radiobutton is set by default. I dont have a clue how to approach this, to create the radiobuttons im using this xml:


C# code:

foreach (XmlNode node in nodes)
     int heightRadioButtons = 0;
     WidthPanelsRow1 += 155;
     Panel panel = new Panel();
     panel.Size = new Size(140, 200);
     panel.Location = new Point(WidthPanelsRow1, heightPanelsRow1);
     panel.Name = "panel" + count.ToString();
     panel.BackColor = Color.LightGray;

     Label lbl = new Label();
     lbl.Text = node["Titel"].InnerText;
     lbl.Location = new Point(0, 0);
     lbl.Font = font1;

     int counterLastRadioButton = 0;
     XmlNodeList waardeNodes = node.SelectNodes("Waardes");
     foreach (XmlNode wNode in waardeNodes)
             counterLastRadioButton += 1;
             heightRadioButtons += 20;
             RadioButton rb = new RadioButton();
             rb.Text = wNode.InnerText;
             rb.Location = new Point(5, heightRadioButtons);
             rb.Name = node["Titel"].InnerText;
             if (waardeNodes.Count - 1 < counterLastRadioButton)
                  rb.Checked = true;

What I'm trying to achieve: Create a checkbox dynamically from the xml, with per "Titel" the default "Waardes". So if i check that checkbox, the radiobutton of that "Titel" will change to that "value".

Hope anyone have some ideas.


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