Anyone who have an idea how to retain the selected checkbox during pagination and in selecting another value in selectlist using my codes below. Thank You! :)
Here is the extension I used. It includes the table, selecting values and pagination.
//for season status
public void Stats(){
this.RaceEntries= 0;
this.TotDis= 0;
this.hasError = false;
for(TrackWrapper tw : twList){
if(this.RaceEntries<=12 && this.TotDis<=300){
this.TotDis += tw.tra.Length__c;
if(this.RaceEntries > 12){
this.hasError = true;
ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.ERROR,'Race Entries exceeded. 12 tracks per season only.'));
if(this.TotDis > 300){
this.hasError = true;
ApexPages.addmessage(new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.severity.ERROR,'Distance exceeded. 300KM per season only.'));
//List<TrackWrapper> tempList = new List<TrackWrapper>();
this.RemRace= 12 - this.RaceEntries;
this.RemDis= 300 - this.TotDis;
//Populate the table from the Selected value in selectlist
public void searchRecords(){
trackList= new List<Track__c>();
if( selectValue != null){ //If the selectvalue has a value
OffsetSize = 0;
this.twList= new List<TrackWrapper>();
trackList= Database.query('SELECT Name, Location__c, Difficulty__c, Length__c from Track__c WHERE Difficulty__c LIKE : selectValue LIMIT :LimitSize OFFSET :OffsetSize');
for(Track__c t : this.trackList) {
TrackWrapper tw = new TrackWrapper();
tw.tra = t;
tw.isChecked = false;
//for TotalPage Numbers per selected value
Integer totalSelect = database.countQuery('select count() from Track__c WHERE Difficulty__c LIKE : selectValue');
Integer totDiv = totalSelect /5;
Integer remain = math.mod(totalSelect, 5);
if(remain!= 0){
this.totalPage = totDiv + 1;
} else{
this.totalPage = totDiv;
currentPage = 1;
}else if(selectValue == null){ // If the selectvalue is null
this.twList= new List<TrackWrapper>();
trackList= Database.query('SELECT Name, Location__c, Difficulty__c, Length__c from Track__c LIMIT :LimitSize OFFSET :OffsetSize');
for(Track__c t : this.trackList) {
TrackWrapper tw = new TrackWrapper();
tw.tra = t;
tw.isChecked = false;
//for TotalPage Numbers per selected value
Integer total = database.countQuery('select count() from Track__c');
Integer tot = total/5;
Integer rem = math.mod(total, 5);
if(rem!= 0){
this.totalPage = tot + 1;
this.totalPage = tot;
//for pagination
public integer totalRecs;
public integer OffsetSize{get;set;}
public integer LimitSize= 5;
public boolean isFirstPage {get;set;}
public boolean isLastPage {get;set;}
public Integer currentPage {get;set;}
public Integer totalPage {get;set;}
public Integer remainder {get;set;}
public void buttonDisable(){
this.isFirstPage = false;
this.isLastPage = false;
if(currentPage == 1){
this.isFirstPage = true;
if(currentPage == totalPage) {
this.isLastPage = true;
public void FirstPage(){
OffsetSize = 0;
this.currentPage = 1;
public void previous(){
OffsetSize = OffsetSize - LimitSize;
public void next(){
OffsetSize = OffsetSize + LimitSize;
public void LastPage(){
totalRecs = [select count() from track__c];
OffsetSize = totalrecs - math.mod(totalRecs,LimitSize);
this.currentPage = this.totalPage;
And this is the VisualForce I used. It also includes the table, selectlist, and pagination.
<apex:pageBlockSection title="Season Stats" id="stat">
<apex:outputText label="Race Entries" value="{!RaceEntries}" />
<apex:outputText label="Total Distance" value="{!TotDis}"/>
<apex:outputText label="Remaining Race Entries" value="{!RemRace}"/>
<apex:outputText label="Remaining Distance" value="{!RemDis}"/>
<apex:actionRegion >
<apex:pageBlockSection id="details" title="Tracks" columns="1">
<apex:outputLabel value="Track Difficulty Level Filter" />
<apex:selectList size="1" value="{!selectValue}">
<apex:selectOption itemValue="" itemLabel="All" />
<apex:selectOptions value="{!statusOptions}" />
<apex:actionSupport event="onchange" action="{!searchRecords}" rerender="details" status="waitStatus"/>
<apex:outputPanel id="out">
<apex:actionStatus id="waitStatus">
<apex:facet name="start">
<apex:outputPanel >
<apex:outputText >Updating...</apex:outputText>
<apex:image value="" title="Processing..." height="20px"/>
<apex:outputPanel ><br/>
<apex:pageBlocktable value="{!twList}" var="track" id="table">
<apex:column HeaderValue="Select">
<apex:inputCheckbox value="{!track.isChecked}">
<apex:actionSupport event="onchange" rerender="stat, messages, btnsave" action="{!Stats}" status="waitStatus"/>
<apex:column value="{!track.tra.Name}" HeaderValue="Track Name"/>
<apex:column value="{!track.tra.Location__c}" HeaderValue="Location"/>
<apex:column value="{!track.tra.Difficulty__c}" HeaderValue="Difficulty"/>
<apex:column value="{!track.tra.Length__c}" HeaderValue="Circuit Length (KM)"/>
<!-- Pagination -->
<apex:pageBlockSection columns="1">
<apex:panelGrid columns="6">
<apex:commandButton value="First Page" rerender="details" action="{!FirstPage}" disabled="{!isFirstPage}" />
<apex:commandButton value="Previous" rerender="details" action="{!previous}" disabled="{!isFirstPage}"/>
Page {!currentPage} of {!totalPage}
<apex:commandButton value="Next" rerender="details" action="{!next}" disabled="{!isLastPage}" />
<apex:commandButton value="Last Page" rerender="details" action="{!LastPage}" disabled="{!isLastPage}" />
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