mercredi 11 octobre 2017

vuejs2 table automatically check checkboxes

Am using the rawtiw datatable for my vuejs2 laravel app. I would like to automatically toggle some checkboxes as checked

so i have

<vuetable ref="vuetable"



THe fields have a checkbox as

    name: '__checkbox',
    title: '#',
    titleClass: 'text-right',
    dataClass: 'text-right'

what am trying to do is to mark certain checkboxes as checked when the table loads successifully

  this.$refs.vuetable.selectedTo[1] //mark 1 as checked


But the above fails. How do i go about toggeling the checkboxes as checked.Is there anyone who has done this successifully. I have opened a github issue request but not got an answer yet.

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