samedi 19 janvier 2019

Filter table data based on mat-tree checkbox selection, in angular 6

I have group checkbox which is having parent and children.I am using the following slackblitz example to acheive that.

In the same page i have a table where i am showing my JSON response.

 "data": [
            "reminderName": "Cook dinner",
            "status": "some value",
            "reminderName": "Read the Material Design spec",
             "status": "some value1",

            "reminderName": "Cook dinner",
            "status": "some value3",
            "reminderName": "Read the Material Design spec",
             "status": "some value4",


And in table i am showing this response like this.

          <tr *ngFor="let data of data>

So here i want to refresh the table based on checkbox selection. enter image description here

If i will select Cook dineer , only Cook dineer rows will show in table.same with Read the Material Design spec also.If i will not select anything , then all data will show.

I have searched a lot on this. But not able get anything.I am struggling with this.Can anyone please help me to resolve this.

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