lundi 28 janvier 2019

Is there a way to tweak 'Select Multiple' so that it shows '1 selected' or '2 selected' instead of the values?

I am using Select2 in my application and I have run into a problem.

I need a typeahead select box which supports multiple selections with checkboxes and on selecting, shows " selected."

The problem is, there's existence of a dropdown list which supports this BUT it is not typeahead in nature AND there's a typeahead select box supporting this BUT it shows the selected values instead of '1 selected', '2 selected', etc.

Please refer to to understand my problem better. I need a combination of the 2nd and 3rd select boxes.

templateSelection: function(selected, total) {
  return "Selected " + selected.length + " of " + total;

  placeholder: "Choose elements",
  width: "100%"

Hope I am clear enough.

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