I have a Wicket 7 CheckBox and a hidden DateTextField. When I click on a CheckBox I want the DateTextField to be appeared and vice versa. For this reason I have added the DateTextField in a WebMarkUpContainer. If possible I dont want to use Ajax. The problem is that the WebMarkUpContainer is always hidden. In general my code is as follows:
class ResultsPanel extends Panel{
private static final class ResultsPage {
final DateTextField startDate = new DateTextField("startDate", new DateTextFieldConfig().withLanguage("el");
final CheckBox checkBox = new CheckBox("checkBox");
final WebMarkupContainer wmc = new WebMarkupContainer("wmc");
// bla bla bla
public Results(String id, CompoundPropertyModel propertyModel) {
super(id, propertyModel);
public S5ExamsResultsPanel(String id){
add(new ResultsPage("resultsPage", new CompoundPropertyModel()));
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