samedi 2 mars 2019

getting checkbox-selected data from products and customers inserted into customer_invite and master_display

I have a system where seller fill their product information and send notification and later he sent the specific product to specific customer by select checkbox. I have to select 3 product from many to select 4 customer from many. Then how do I select checkbox product (select product from database) and sent to checked customer (select customer from DB). And how to it Display also on seller and customer Dashboard.

for ex.

Company Name - XYX Ltd.

Customer : Select From following List

cust id custname    select
1   nitin   [ ] 
2   ajay    [ ]
3   vinit   [ ]
4   deepak  [ ]
5   rajesh  [ ]
6   vijay   [ ]

Products : Select from list

id  product name
1   Car [ ] 
2   bike    [ ]
3   electronic [ ]
4   Mobiles [ ]
5   Shirts  [ ]
6   Pants   [ ]

Select  product and send to customers

Seller  OUTPUT :

product price   quantity   Customer Name
bike    2000    1   Rajesh,mahesh, manoj
mobile  500     3   nitin,Mahesh,ajay,vinit
car     5000    1   vinit,deepak,nitin

Customer OUTPUT :

product price   quantity   
bike    2000    1
mobile  500     3
car     5000    1

I gather some kind of if statement but its not works & dont know how to involve it in a checkbox.

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