mercredi 27 mai 2020

Checkbox doesn't respond to onChange when checked is driven by state

I have a material-ui Table and have been implementing multi-select functionality on it.

My multi select should behave as follows :

  • Select checkboxes only appear at the start of a row on hover (when nothing has been selected)
  • Once one row has been selected, all other checkboxes become permanently visible.
  • The checkbox in the TableHead will select / deselect all rows in the Table when toggled.

Each row has its own individual unique id.

I maintain a Set called idsOfSelectedRows via a useState hook to keep track of all rows currently selected.

Each TableRow has a Checkbox which looks like this

     idsOfSelectedRows.size === 0 &&
  onChange={() => handleRowSelectionCheckboxClick}

and handleRowSelectionCheckboxClick looks like this

  const handleRowSelectionCheckboxClick = event => {
    const idOfClickedRow ="id").value;
   //If the checkbox has just become checked then add it to the idOfSelectedRows Set, otherwise remove it.
        ? new Set(idsOfSelectedRows.add(String(idOfClickedRow)))
        : () => {
            return new Set(idsOfSelectedRows);

My issue is that clicking on the checkboxes on the rows is unresponsive. I can select them all by clicking on the select all Checkbox in the TableHead but clicking on checkboxes in individual rows does not change their state ?

Here's a full CodeSandbox reproducing the exact issue. What do I need to do to make the checkboxes in the rows be toggleable ?

Edit hover-table-row-checkbox

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