dimanche 23 avril 2017

my check box does not show the feature layer

here is my code

else if(which == "abc"){  
        var d = (id).toString();  
        d = d.replace("abc", "");  
        query.where = "Name='" + d + "'";  
        query.returnGeometry = true;  
        layerC.selectFeatures(query, FeatureLayer.SELECTION_NEW, function (features) {  
          thePoly = features[0].geometry;  
          theExtent = thePoly.getExtent().expand(1); //Zoom out slightly from the polygon's extent  

     var text;
     var R = document.getElementById('abc').value;
     var rLyrToggle = dom.byId("rLyr");

     switch(Cpt) {
case "room1":
    on(rLyrToggle, "change", function() {
      building layer.visible = rLyrToggle.checked;


    text = "No room";


    my check box does not show the layer upon checking layer is added to the map but i disable its visibilty 

i want that when combox selected value is equal to the case 1 then the feature is visibile when user check the box

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