lundi 26 juin 2017

list of checkboxes in angular and ng-repeat.. All checkboxes check together? how to save check separately?

I'm creating a to-do list app with angular, pretty simple, but I am having an issue with the check boxes--- If I click one check box, they all get checked... How can I separate it so it only checks one at a time and then checks to save checked/unchecked boxes?


  <body ng-controller="HomeController as vm" ng-cloak>
<input type="text" placeholder="To do..." ng-model="vm.myTask">
<button type="button" ng-click="vm.submitTask()">Submit</button>

<label ng-repeat="Task in vm.myTasks">
<ul></li><input type="checkbox" value="" ng-model="vm.taskList"></li>


//task array
var myTasks = [];

class HomeController {

//submit task from input value
//push new task into array

this.myTasks = myTasks;


angular.module("myapp").controller("HomeController", HomeController);

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