mercredi 25 octobre 2017

Bootstrap-Vue: @click.native on

I have an issue with b-form-checkbox and b-form-checkbox-group. When I use @click.native, the method I call, is executed two times. Also, if I write my selected (array) values directly into the DOM , I see the correct elements in the array. However if I console.log my selected array in the method I call on @click.native, when clicking a checkbox, it is empty. When I then click the checkbox again (so it is unchecked), my console.log displays the element in my selected array.

@click.native ="filterTable"

And my filtertable is just a console.log


If I use @mouseup.native filterTable is only called one time. However the selected array behaves the same. In the DOM it shows correct, but in my method the selected array is inverted.

I created a fiddle for it.

Thank you.

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