jeudi 26 octobre 2017

Nested checkboxes not working with more than one main option

I've used the following codepen snippet to implement nested checkboxes into my HTML page. The original code only catered for one set of nested checkboxes so I've tried to expand to multiple. So far my code has 2 problems, that I can see:

  1. The onclick is not binding to each of the checkboxSubOptions
  2. The checkboxSubOptions is being overwritten on each loop so the checkboxMainOption.onclick no longer works for the first checkboxes
$(document).ready(function() {
        var expandableCheckboxes = document.getElementsByClassName("expandable-checkbox");
        for (var i = 0; i < expandableCheckboxes.length; i++) {
                var checkboxMainOption = expandableCheckboxes[i].getElementsByClassName("expandable-checkbox-main-option")[0];
                var checkboxSubOptions = expandableCheckboxes[i].getElementsByClassName("expandable-checkbox-sub-option");
                checkboxSubOptions.onclick = function() {
                        var checkedCount = 0;
                        for (var j = 0; j < checkboxSubOptions.length; j++) {
                                if (checkboxSubOptions[j].checked) {
                        checkboxMainOption.checked = checkedCount > 0;
                        checkboxMainOption.indeterminate = checkedCount > 0 && checkedCount < checkboxSubOptions.length;
                checkboxMainOption.onclick = function() {
                        for (var j = 0; j < checkboxSubOptions.length; j++) {
                                checkboxSubOptions[j].checked = checkboxMainOption.checked;
body {
  color: #555;
  font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;

ul {
  list-style: none;

li {
  margin-top: 1em;

label {
  font-weight: bold;
        <script src=""></script>
    <div class="checkbox-container">
                  <div class="expandable-checkbox">
            <label><input type="checkbox" class="expandable-checkbox-main-option">Main 1</label>
              <li><label><input type="checkbox" class="expandable-checkbox-sub-option">Main 1 Sub 1</label></li>
              <li><label><input type="checkbox" class="expandable-checkbox-sub-option">Main 1 Sub 2</label></li>
              <li><label><input type="checkbox" class="expandable-checkbox-sub-option">Main 1 Sub 3</label></li>
                  <div class="expandable-checkbox">
            <label><input type="checkbox" class="expandable-checkbox-main-option">Main 2</label>
              <li><label><input type="checkbox" class="expandable-checkbox-sub-option">Main 2 Sub 1</label></li>
              <li><label><input type="checkbox" class="expandable-checkbox-sub-option">Main 2 Sub 2</label></li>
              <li><label><input type="checkbox" class="expandable-checkbox-sub-option">Main 2 Sub 3</label></li>

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